The Impact This Community Has Made on Others

Every time I take a step back and turn my attention to the Lord, I am truly amazed and so, so grateful. How cool is it that He has chosen to work through this business + community to transform the lives of so many women, for HIS glory!

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A Physical + Spiritual Transformation

I mean, how cool is it that the Lord has used a health and fitness platform to impact the lives of so many women, and not just physically, but more important spiritually.

That kind of transformation is priceless and impacts every other aspect of life. We have seen women become consistent with their time in the Word, mom’s become more active and able to run around with their kiddos, chains broken and joy restored in fitness journeys, one person’s decision to make a change result in a ripple effect in their family, and women changing their entire outlook what it means to live an active and healthy lifestyle.

I pray these stories inspire you and show you what’s possible when you don't give up and choose to make the small choices daily that steward your health well for His glory.

My basketball coach introduced me to the Beachbody (now BODi) program Insanity. After a two hour summer practice, we then had to complete a 30–40 minute Insanity workout together for extra conditioning. It was quite literally the definition of INSANE.

All throughout school I was very involved in team sports—basketball, cheerleading, and powerlifting. Even in my first year of junior college I remained pretty active by being on the collegiate cheerleading squad. It wasn’t until after my cheerleading career ended that I pursued my own health and fitness journey.

My health journey started as a senior in high school...

my story

So when I started to pursue different options, my mind immediately went back to Insanity. I googled it, and not long after, I had the DVD set in my dorm room. (yes, you used to have to purchase each program separately as a DVD—thank goodness it’s ALL online now and includes every single program.)

Over the next few years, I ordered one Shaun T program (the trainer who created Insanity) after another. I pulled out these DVDs and did the workouts in my dorm room, parent’s living room, friend’s home, and even in the hotel room when we traveled.

I went to the campus fitness center a few days a week and ran outside, but I lacked structure.

I was not fueling my body with whole foods.
I was not eating enough.
I had an obsessive relationship with “diet foods."
I tracked everything I ate.
I was more worried about having six-pack abs than I was with how I felt.

Although I was consistently showing up for my workouts, I was far from what I consider


After watching her stories for a few weeks, I realized she was doing the exact same workout I was doing BUT the way she shared her journey was so different. Everything she did pointed back to Jesus. Her reason for showing up, her motivation, her excitement and joy was rooted in CHRIST. She allowed who the Lord was and who He said she was to impact how she showed up and stewarded her health and she was boldly sharing that.

It was then that I started to see my own fitness journey through a different lens. Rather than seeing it through the word’s eyes, I started to view it through a Kingdom lens. As I pursued Christ more and grew more intimate in my walk with Him, I began to invite Him into this area of my life. I began to surrender all that I knew about health and fitness, and allow His Word to wash over me and completely change my mindset and perspective. It wasn’t about a six pack. It wasn’t about the size clothing I wore. It wasn’t about the approval of others.

Fast forward a few years later when I started following this random girl on Instagram.

It was about...

                                  in the promise that I am HIS child—fearfully and wonderfully made.

in the promise that I am HIS child—fearfully and wonderfully made.


for the temple He had blessed me with.

for the temple He had blessed me with.

being grateful

                                                  so that I could have the strength, energy and endurance to do ALL He had called me to.

                                                                                                      so that I could have the strength, energy and endurance to do ALL He had called me to.

stewarding my health well

I wake up every day expectant to see the Lord at work in this area of my life. I get out of bed excited to fuel my body with whole foods He created (while still enjoying my favorite treats). I am grateful for the ability to move my body and workout, knowing that it will give me the energy I need to show up as a wife, mama, and business owner.

So today, I want to encourage the girl who feels stuck trying to look a certain way or win the world’s approval. God entrusted you with the body He blessed you with, so don’t allow the enemy to come in and steal, kill, or destroy. Take those thoughts captive, surrender them to the Lord, and renew your mind through the reading of His Word. Choose to have eyes to see yourself the way He sees you.

And now, it's 12 years later...

Let’s invite Him in and serve Him by being good stewards of our bodies so that we can faithfully live the life He has called us to live.

where to next?

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